Records of Bucks
Active Archaeology Group
Buckinghamshire Local History Network
Historic Buildings Group

Searchable Index covering 160 years of publication

Use this page to search the indexes to the Society's journal Records of Buckinghamshire by using the search fields below. The index now covers all volumes between Volume 1 Part 1, published in 1854, and Volume 60, published in 2020. The index to volumes 61-63 is in preparation, and will be added at some point in 2024. The whole index is compiled from the printed indexes created by Lorna Head and Diana Gulland.

A listing of all articles published since 1854 can be found on the article titles pages and the current volume 63 on the recent volumes page.

Copies of the journal including some back numbers are still on sale from the society, including offprints of a large number of articles, while others are available on-line directly from this website.



  Vol. Pages
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 48 291
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 50 116
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 51 234
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 53 297, 302-303, 308
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 56 182
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 59 270
Princes Risborough, archaeological notes 60 298, 307, 310
Princes Risborough, axes, bronze 17 128
Princes Risborough, Black Prince's palace 16 112, 131-178
Princes Risborough, burial, prehistoric 25 142-147
Princes Risborough, burial, Roman 44 111-115
Princes Risborough, church 9(4) 307
Princes Risborough, coins found at Soldiers' Mount 2(2) 57-59
Princes Risborough, Cross Ridge dyke 33 109-111
Princes Risborough, farmstead, Roman 44 111-115
Princes Risborough, hundred 60 130-131
Princes Risborough, in tenth century 25 110, 116, 117
Princes Risborough, manor 40 15, 21
Princes Risborough, Manor House 56 164
Princes Risborough, manor house 11 441-442
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