Records of Bucks
Active Archaeology Group
Buckinghamshire Local History Network
Historic Buildings Group

Searchable Index covering 160 years of publication

Use this page to search the indexes to the Society's journal Records of Buckinghamshire by using the search fields below. The index now covers all volumes between Volume 1 Part 1, published in 1854, and Volume 60, published in 2020. The index to volumes 61-63 is in preparation, and will be added at some point in 2024. The whole index is compiled from the printed indexes created by Lorna Head and Diana Gulland.

A listing of all articles published since 1854 can be found on the article titles pages and the current volume 63 on the recent volumes page.

Copies of the journal including some back numbers are still on sale from the society, including offprints of a large number of articles, while others are available on-line directly from this website.



  Vol. Pages
Monks Risborough, in eleventh century 33 64-67
Monks Risborough, Lay Subsidy 1327 53 115-134
Monks Risborough, , archaeological notes 55 301, 304
Montagu, John, second Duke of Beford, donor, Fenny Stratford church 8(4) 375, 382-383
Montfort, de, family, and Hughenden 5(4) 196-206, 213, 218-229, 233-236
Montfort, de, family , and Hughenden 7(5) 362-412
Montfort, Richard de, monument 3(1) 16-17
Moody, Edward, potter, Coleshill 55 174-175
Moore, John, brewer and owner of Manor Hall, Great Marlow 59 103-104
Moore, John, The remains of a seventeenth century clay pipe kiln at 13 Castle Street, Aylesbury, and the pipes from a probable kiln site at Whitehall Street' 21 123-132
Moore, Richard, 'A4146 Stoke Hammond and Linslade Western Bypass archaeological excavations 2005' 47(1) 1-62
Moore, W. R. G., Northamptonshire clay tobacco-pipes and pipemakers, reviewed 21 198
Moores, George, head gardener, and Marlow conscription 56 133, 138
Mora, Walter de, seal 32 151
Moray House, Gerrards Cross, excavation 52 213-216
Mordaunt, Sir Charles, Radcliffe Trustee 38 237-238
Mordon, John (d. 1410), library at Emberton church 12 365-367
Mordon, John , brass in Emberton church 3(3) 110
Moreton, and coprolite industry 32 77, 85
Moreton, C. Oscar, Waddesdon and Over Winchendon, reviewed 12 210-211
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